Thursday 12 January 2012

BIOGRAPHY - The Lady behind the brand

Fashion Designer Jennifer Adighije has become the epitome of classic fashion in Nigeria. With 2 product lines HOS - upscale luxury label and Abada couture - African prints; makes us wonder who the lady behind the label really is.

Born on April 15th, 1982, in Lagos Nigeria, coming from a long way in days of sharing a bedroom with two of her siblings and growing up in a middle-class Nigerian family, Jennifer had always been studious at school with a flare for handi-craft.      

Jennifer’s fashion sense was apparent at an early age when she would purchase expensive fabrics with her pocket money and cut out patterns for her numerous dolls.

After studying Electrical Engineering at the University of Nigeria she proceeded to study a masters degree in telecommunications at the prestigious University of London where her sojourn into the fashion business started.  She attended school lectures till 3pm and would work afterwards at a high street clothing store as a sales attendant. She then rose to become the store supervisor which ultimately led to the skills she posseses today in the fashion business.
After her masters degree Jennifer returned to Lagos in 2008 and she founded House of Silk which was initially a fabric retail company which later grew into a bespoke dress making brand. She choose the name ‘House of Silk’ because of her love for sheer flowy-breezy fabrics and the classy immaculate sense of style in flexibility when such fabrics are worn. Jennifer not only had an innovative mind, but she also knew that packaging and presentation were of utmost importance -- something she didn't need to learn while studying for her engineering degrees.

It is Jennifer's innovativeness, among many other traits of the model businesswoman that has made her the founder, designer and chairman of the multi-million naira company. She also recently launched the beauty arm of the business in a sophisticated beauty studio and Nail spa making it the one-stop destination for fashion and beauty routines all under one roof i.e. the complete makeover shop. Not only is she among the few Nigerian fashion designers to have multiple stores across the country, but she is the first to sell the whole lifestyle image that consumers flock to worldwide. Jennifer sells much more than clothes and beauty routines; she sells a lifestyle image of sophistication, class and lifestyle.

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